Who are we ?


In April 2009, the shelter “AVEC” opened.

« The NGO AVEC is one of those rare flowers that grow on rubbish piles and that, in a few years, is able to make it a land of hope » Patrik Roux, founder of AVEC History Patrik Roux and his wife Theavy Bun created their NGO AVEC in order to prevent and fight against the trafficking and exploitation of children.
Une grand-mère élève seule huit enfants dans un petit village d'anciens réfugiés internes au Cambodge. Scolariser ces enfants est une priorité et nous permet de suivre les enfants sur le long terme

A grandmother is single-handedly raising eight children in a small village of former internal refugees in Cambodia. Schooling these children is a priority and allows us to follow the children in the long term.

From November 2004 on, a team of four began to visit Battambang countryside villages. They soon began to discover a stark reality: many women were abandoned with dependent children. In April 2009, the shelter “AVEC” opened. This NGO takes in orphans, abandoned or very poor children; they live there and get intensive literacy lessons as well as basic education.
Les enfants qui vivent dans notre refuge de battambang

The children who live in our battambang shelter

“AVEC” is now officially registered in Cambodia, in France and in Switzerland. Twenty-one people work there most efficiently, especially locating children at risk. Its main aims are child protection and education.

What we will remember about this refuge is the joy and the laughter of the children: these children who all come back from far away, have all lived through very difficult things, have found their childhood here…

Nicole and Michel

Going as a couple as a volunteer in Cambodia...